Present from BabyBoy!
*Knock Knock on my window* Baby was standing outside my corridor window so I went to open the door for him. And he started singing," Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy birthday to My Princess, Happy Birthday to you!" with a cupcake with 2 lighted candles on it, in his hands. I blowed the candles and we went into my room. Bboy, then passed me the "Rabeanco" bag. When I unwrapped the present, I was so excited and was glad to see a red handbag! At first, I thought I couldn't match it with my clothes but instead, it matched perfectly well! HEHE! We shared the cupcake together. *YUMYUM* Bboy stayed for a little while to accompany me before heading home.
I was really looking forward for the next day. And was thinking what could be the activities the next day. Picnic? Dinner @ a high-class restaurant?
My castle !
We sat this !
Waiting to watch Shrek 4D
I love you so much !
Bboy ordered me to wear casual clothes first and bring along a dress and a pair of heels. And I was guessing, he's bringing me to picnic. He came over my place to pick me up, and we headed off. I absolutely had no idea where we were heading to in the car. When bboy was driving towards Sentosa, I said confidently,"Ohh, I know where we're going already! We are going to Siloso beach to picnic right?" Then bboy responded,"we're not going anywhere near the beach." Even after this conversation, I still couldn't guess where we were going until...... I saw UNIVERSAL STUDIO! I literally jumped in joy and I swear I was never that happy!
We quickly headed for the entrance as it was around4pm at that time and USS closes at around 7pm. I was really excited about it. We collected our tickets and 2 food coupons & 2 shopping coupons were given to us. When we entered the USS, I was really amazed by the atmosphere and environment there. It really felt like I was overseas, it was awesome.
We headed for a ride on the roller coaster. While I was on it, I was worried that my eyelashes fakies would fly off and anyway, it was my first time riding a roller coaster with my babylove. hehe. There were other rides in USS but both of us didn't dare to ride. We slowly walked around USS and we went into this place where Shrek 4D was showing. It was quite an experience but a negative one. The chairs were moving so systematically and making both of us so uncomfortable and they sprinkled water on us. I mean, it wasn't my first time watching a 4D, but it was so cold in there.
Anyway, Jurassic Park is lame! There's practically nothing there except statues of dinosaurs. We went in to get a hotdog bun set which was pretty expensive. Oh, and bboy got me a HUGE CANDY FLOSS for 6 bucks. Yumyum, my favourite!
Basically, we just walked around, go into different places and take pictures. Luckily, it wasn't raining that day! The day before & after my birthday, it rained.
After that, we headed back to my place to shower and changed as we were still early for dinner but I was feeling hungry already.

Huiling, Me, Gabriella, Jodie, Lydia

Dorita ! Thanks <3




Finally we arrived at one raffles place. Likewise, I didn't know where was I & where were we heading to. Bboy, himself, didn't know where exactly is the place so we spent a little time looking for it. And we got it!
It was pretty cool as there's a "door bitch" like those in a club. And she said,"take the lift to 63rd floor". Still, I didn't suspect anything. In my mind, I was thinking,"we are going to a rooftop restaurant to dine! So romantic!" And when the lift door opened, I could hear music playing and I saw many familiar faces. Dorita was holding onto a cake, Dion, Jingwen and Nicole sang birthday song to me! I was again, surprised and happy!
People there: Gabriella, Lydia, Hweeling, Jodie, Weihoe, Chua, JJ, Lam, Weiloon, Szetoh, Chern. (I'm not sure if I missed out anyone) hehe! Oh, Yiting, Samuel & Zisheng were there too but they are working.
We had Pizzas there and they opened 2 bottles of vodka. Then, Szetoh bought me barcardi 151 shot & Jaggerbomb which he made be drank one after another. (I'm so gonna take revenge! WATCH OUT!)
After some time, most of them left. So Dorita, Dion, BabyLove and Me changed table! The view was damn great! Oh ya, before that, we were at an open space (suppose to be the dancefloor but they rented that area for me). We drank the remaining alcohol. Then, bboy left to join his friends.
This altitude plan, was planned by Dorita! Thank you, I love you! And of course, thanks everyone that were there and made this a special birthday celebration for me!

It was an impromptu decision to go K-suite with Yiting, Samuel, Zisheng and Dion. It was pretty fun as we were high but we only sang for like 2hours? Then we headed to my place for another drinking session. Hehe.
Present from my 2nd bro!
I really had an awesome birthday celebration with my BABYBOY and all my friends! Thanks again for making it happened! Love you !
27 January 2011